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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I've got a cautionary tale to share from lawyer turned stand-up comedian Matt Rittberg (Penn Law 2005) about the guys a girl meets if she stays out too late.

Last spring, I wrote a post about Matt's now he has just debuted his first musical comedy video called "I'm the Kinda Guy" and it is funny! So funny in fact that I decided not to wait to publish this for my Funny Friday series.  And watch this video through til the end to learn about the other kinda guy you girls out there can also meet!

So what was the inspiration for this video?

Per Matt,
"A lot of my standup focuses on relationships and the ridiculous things guys say to try to get girls when they are trying to hook up (ex- the line about having an extra pair of gym shorts and the "no jeans" in the bed rule is something everyone who is single has said or heard before). Also, I lived in the Meatpacking district in NY, and I always see drunken girls stumbling out of bars at 4 am and random creepy guys hitting on them on the streets at hot dog stands etc. Watching those interactions (and occasionally partaking in them) inspired the song. More than anything, I hope it doesn't come off as misogynistic...after all, I'm warning girls and probably breaking some sort of guy code by giving away some of our dirty tricks!"

Since my last post about Matt, he actually quit his job as a lawyer to pursue comedy and is writing full time now.  He's moving to LA in September to seek representation and chase the dream!

If you like irreverent, funny videos like Matt's, you'll also love the videos Penn alumni Aaron Karo (W'01), and DJ Lubel (C'05) have produced!


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Posted by Matt | 11:45 AM | , , , , , , , , | 0 comments »

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