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Monday, October 14, 2013

To my most loyal fans, after 7 years of running DT, I've now got a bigger and better Penn alumni entertainment site I've been working on for a while and it's ready for you to play with:

Penn alumni can get the latest entertainment news and now create profiles, connect with other alumni, and add stories into their profile!

Get started by:

1) Visiting

2) Checking out the new way you can submit stories directly to the site!

3) Signing up on our Penntertainment social media channels:

Thank to Jay Matsueda (W'95), Victoria Polubinska (W'12) and TJ Trapp (C'99) with helping to develop!

And thank all of you readers for all your support as I continue to strengthen and connect our Penntertainment community!

Finally, stay tuned to DT as we will be taking the site in a slightly different direction!


Posted by Matt | 8:03 AM | 0 comments »

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