DuelingTampons' popularity caught the attention of the DP. Both Alumni Weekend and Homecoming Weekend came alive as DT had cameras rolling and brought you exclusive video coverage.
You might think Wharton's Donald Trump (W'68) got all of this year's glory as I tracked the who's who of Penn. Turns out alum Elizabeth Banks (C'96) ranks at the top of the DT's most famous Penn clicks. That came as a little surprise to the Hollywood actress/Penn superstar when I sat down to dinner answering questions about DT to friends.
Famous and infamous words flew out of the mouths of undergrads like Jessica Gold Haralson (C'08) when Playboy picked her out of the Penn crowd having come across her controversial smart-sex magazine. Jessica was quoted in Playboy's September issue talking all about how in her own words "porn is awesome".
DuelingTampons has become a habitual networking source for all things Penn. Over the course of this year, DT posted 400+ stories unique to the Penn community, 600+ videos, 300+ photos, and 400+ message board posts. The number of undergrads and alumni checking out the site on a daily basis has grown into the thousands from what originally started as a hobby and now has become a love of mine. I'm committed to DT's momentum continuing as the ongoing source to keep the Penn community connected.
In the new year, expect to feel more networked to Penn than ever. More emerging talent in film and music are on the radar. More business success stories are emerging from Wharton. More videos and photos from the past and present keep hitting the DT mailbox. It's proof that it really does matter who you know - especially when you share the Penn experience.
If you haven't done so already, please click here to add the DuelingTampons widget to your facebook profile. This will help to increase awareness of our creative community to other Quakers.
Make your hopes and dreams walk the walk in 2008. And know that I am very grateful for you being a big part of DT's success.
Matt Rosler (C'96)
Some 2007 Highlights:
+ This was the year for the Penn documentary filmmakers!
+ Alumni working all over TV! + Penn musicians making news
+ Talented undergrads in the 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 classes.
Puneet Singh's (W'08) appears on the Colbert Report
Filmmaker Brian Canavan's (C'10) jawdropping Light Graffiti video
Musician Andrew Dudum's (C'11) signed to a record label
+ Some Rising alumni stars:
Musician Gabriel Mann (C’95) on Oscars, music on TV shows, launches new album
Actor Roy Vongtama (C'96) appears in major TV and film
Actress Elizabeth Banks (C’96) in a a media storm this year!
Singer Ananda Sen (C'98) debuts one new song a week for 52 weeks
Stand-up Aaron Karo (W'01) debuts his comedy via video on the web!
Mask and Wig alumni form new troupe producing hysterical videos
+ Reunion Weekend 2007 (45+ videos) and Homecoming Weekend 2007
+ Mask and Wig performs in Los Angeles (15+ videos)
+ Pennfest 2007 features Broadway and KROQ stars
+ Alumni featured in Film, TV, Stage, and Literary
+ Penn Musicians: live performances
+ Acapella Madness
+ Very creative class Projects
+ Compelling freshmen election videos
+ Vicarious walk down Locust Walk and into the Quad
OTHER VIDEO CATEGORIES: Recently Uploaded, Los Angeles Penn Events, Performing Arts, Around Campus, Spring Flings, Hey Day, Graduation, Sports, Pennfest: Emerging Penn Talent, Penn Relays, Misc: Humorous/Tips
+ 5 years of Pennfest programs and photos
+ On campus construction through the years (oh how things have changed!)
+ Penn actors: Headshot Hotties
+ Freshmen dorm rooms!
+ Penn musician photo gallery
+ Penn Memoribilia from years past
+ Stories about how alumni got their starts after college
(great for those thinking of a career in entertainment)
+ Los Angeles job posts
+ New York job posts
+ Alumni Quotes
+ Alumni promoting their businesses
+ Upcoming Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia events
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