class of 2008
Originally uploaded by JessicaGold.
A bunch of pictures just posted from Hey Day 2007.
Click here to submit your own!
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class of 2008
Originally uploaded by JessicaGold.
A bunch of pictures just posted from Hey Day 2007.
Click here to submit your own!
While the mission to "save the squirrels" should not be overlooked, the great part of this video is checking out the campus... specifically Locust Walk, the shops on Walnut and a glimpse of the new "Cereality" store on campus.
Click here to check out the video.
For all those times you've referred to someone as "buddy", "dude" or "you", I found this great video on how to help you remember people's name.
Click here to check it out
I never really partook in these types of activities during fling, but they always looked fun.
Soon, I'll be uploading some great photos from my fling days.
Click here to upload your own fling photos to the site.
Locust walk has it's fair share of entertainment...
Documentarian Loren Mendell (C'95, Friars) debuts his latest project, Bad Boys of Summer at the Newport Beach Film Festival next week. The film follows the inmate baseball team at San Quentin prison...where all games are played at home.
For more information about the film, click here
Loren has produced some great documentaries that have been featured in many of our Pennfest events, including Academy Award ® nominated live action short film Our Time Is Up. He is currently producing and directing a documentary for Frontline/World (PBS) about the recent oil spill in the Philippines. Loren’s work also includes series and specials for ABC, CBS, Discovery, CMT, VH1 and The History Channel.
Screening information below:
WHEN: Monday, April 23 @ 9:30pm
WHERE: Edwards Island Cinemas (Cox Screen)
999 Newport Center Dr
Newport Beach, California 92660
TICKETS: On sale for $10 at the box office or online
6/8/07 Update: Click here to now watch the episode mentioned below!
An upcoming episode of the Food Network’s "Dinner: Impossible" will feature Psi Upsilon fraternity brothers from the University of Pennsylvania doing their part to create a feast for Penn President Amy Gutmann and distinguished guests?
This week’s episode is set in the Psi Upsilon fraternity house, a.k.a. The Castle, a 19th century stone building that overlooks College Green in the middle of Penn's campus. While its baronial living room is spacious enough for the president's dinner for 60, its tiny kitchen is in the basement, at the end of a long, dark hallway and has a broken dumb waiter and a gas stove with few working burners.
This episode is scheduled to air on the Food Network at 10:30 pm (EST), Wednesday, April 18. Check your local T.V. listings, as the half-hour show will be rebroadcast on the Food Network, throughout the month of April.
For more info check out this press release and the food network page.
Todd Shotz (C'96, Glee Club) has been named Vice President of Television Development and Production of the newly formed production company, Rifkin-Eberts. (more info here)
Todd, a '96 classmate of mine and integral part of our annual Pennfest events continues to shine. If you think he's busy as new VP, Todd also owns his own Hebrew tutoring company called Hebrew Helpers! Talk about ambition!
Mazel Tov, Todd!
Apparently there's a new on campus celebrity of sorts and his name is Officer Floyd.
According to dmittermaier1 on youtube, Officer Floyd, "spends most weekday mornings directing traffic at the intersection of 36th & Walnut. At every green light on Walnut, he choreographs a little move as he signals to drivers that they can go. At the red lights, he greets every pedestrian with "Mornin'!" or "Hello Darlin'!" He salutes bus drivers and other city works and anyone who honks at him to say hi. A great guy!"
Now if only we can find a video of campus celebrities from yesteryear such as "LeeAnh" and "Skeeter" (the "got a quarter guy?")
White Dog
Originally uploaded by mickey-finn.
How many times did you take your parents here for brunch?
Where else did you take your parents when they came to visit? Leave your response in the comments section below.
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Mardis Gras
St. Patrick's Day
"Just wanted to send a note to say thanks for your continued work w/ Dueling Tampons. it's one of the various e-news blasts I read most days. I really liked the one about '3 generations at Penn'."
-Jody Girgenti (C'98)
"As an outsider to the entertainment industry and to LA, gave me an excellent jumping-off point to start my job search. It enabled me to learn about Penn alums in the entertainment industry and conduct necessary preliminary research. From there I was able to reach out to our incredible alumni network, schedule introductory meetings and phone calls, eventually land an interview, and finally secure an internship at a top Hollywood studio."
-Steve Gottlieb (C'04)
"By the way, Dueling Tampons may be one of the greatest names for a penn-related website!"
Andrew Erace (C'07)
"Whenever I'm looking to waste time on the internet, Dueling Tampons is at the top of my list right up there with the Onion, the Superficial, and Leverged Sell Out."
Scott Kend (C'02)
"I love what you are doing for Penn with this website. Keep it up!"
Adam El Sehamy (C'09)
"Thanks for doing your part to unify Penn through Dueling Tampons--it's already been a great resource, and I'm only an incoming freshman. I am truly looking forward to my next four years at Penn and beyond. Thanks again."
-Haywood L. Perry III (C'12)
"Just want to thank you for all you are doing re: DT. You've reenergized my feelings toward Penn and now I have a son who will be applying to Penn"
-Joan L. (W'80)
"Great site. I've really enjoyed everything I've come across since I first came across it. Keep up the good work."
-A.J. Cabrera (C'04)
"Great site —when I first came across it, it took me by surprise. I hadn't used the phrase DT in years, you totally made me laugh. Thanks for that."
-Jason Seiden (W'95)
"I got all misty-eyed looking at the Dueling Tampons site. I mean it gave me sense memory of Penn... of the Walk when it was cold, or being in McNeill with Abiel, or being in German class, or taking 20 extra minutes to get to class because of seeing everyone I knew on Locust Walk, or people that sat in my classes that are now really famous or important... just a great site"
-Chris Hartwell (C'95)
"Love you website..! Very fun to read - I cannot believe what alums (that are WAY younger than us) are accomplishing...very cool...!"
-Dorie Clayman (C'96)
"I'm really digging your website. It's nice to have someone keeping track of all us Quaker over-achievers."
-Jeff Levin (C'07)
"Thank you for your website. I've not been in touch with Penn for YEARS, am speaking at the Bookstore and they wrote to me about Dueling Tampons. I've spent the afternoon going around inside it. so thank you!"
Michael Rosen
"Hey, I'll be entering Penn in the Fall as a '12 student. Just trying to get a feel for the campus before I come and Dueling Tampons seems like it has got a big place on campus."
-Eric Jacob Maltiel (SEAS'12)
"I love the way you are reaching out to Penn alums and this site...keep up the good work"
-Jennifer Merves Robbins (C'92)
"I just found dueling tampons, and im hooked. i had no idea so many alum do what i want to do when i grow up!"
-Danielle Hannah (C'03)
"Dueling Tampons has an AWESOME reputation on campus here, and I see you and your site everywhere!"
-Matt Amalfitano (C'11)
"Your site's a great way to keep up with Penn stuff with a laugh. Thanks."
-David Toturgul (C'99)
"What you do on Dueling Tampons I think really provides many Penn students with inspiration for their future careers, as I know it has done with me."
-Ryan Townsend (C'08)
"I really like all the Penn stuff, makes me feel at home... I had a good laugh at the name of the website, it only took me a split second to get it!"
-Dan Gutin (C'97)
"Dueling Tampons is an awesome resource. Thanks for representing LA (my hometown!) and the entertainment industry!"
-Joey Volpe (C'09)
"your dueling tampons site rocks"
-Jordan Rockwell (C'00)
"Big fan of the website! I find it a must read!!"
-Troy Majnerick, Penn New Student Orientation Coordinator
"I just want to thank you. I am a cinema studies major at Penn and your site is an amazing creative and networking resource for me. I love it."
-Dustin Blank (C'09)
"It's great to see you bringing together the community of Penn alums who took a possibly more interesting route and are doing some really cool things."
-Tara Todras-Whitehill (C'00, Eng'00)
"This is the kind of value-added, life-giving nectar that Matt spoons out so regularly, and for which I am forever...FOREVER...indebted to him."
-Adam Hellegers (C'96)
"The Dueling Tampons site is really impressive. I think Penn should just hand the alumni network over to you :)" -Eric Barker (C'94)
Alumni Attending Events Because of DT:
"Logan [Levkoff] was here on Friday and was featured in the October 2 Penn Current and today's DP. I heard about her through, so thanks Matt!"
-Fran De La Torre (C'04)
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THE best paid internship in Hollywood!
Transformers 2 Photos and Videos Shot at Penn!
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