Here's another DT "
blast from the past" story you'll all enjoy.
Alumni from the 90s and earlier might remember
Murphy's Tavern (aka "Murphs") on the corner of 44th and Spruce streets. You'll remember the pitcher of alcohol, the jukebox, the basement and of course the "see you in church" greeting you got from Murph himself when you left the place.

And for those of you not in the know, after many years of surprising
liquor-law violations, Murphs shut down in 1998.
But that doesn't mean our memories of the place have gone.
Or does it?
Noah Sferra (C'96) our
2011 alumni weekend DT correspondent hit the
class of 1996 tents to see if after 15 years since graduating, Penn alumni would remember
"what was in a Murph's Skylab". Remember? That big pitcher full of alcoholic goodness you'd get for $5 - $10 that you'd split with your table.
After the jump find out the various and entertaining answers we got from alumni. Some may surprise you!
Also of note in these videos was Noah's response to a fellow alum, "I woke up your son and spilled a whole beer in your purse." Some things never change.
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