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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

UPenn and Roy Bank and Cedric the Entertainer

Merv Griffin Entertainment Executive TV producer Roy Bank (C'94) debuts his new NBC game show "It's Worth What" tonight.

If you think you're good at putting a value on some of those antiques you've got lurking in your own attic, you're going to love this show. And it's got Cedric the Entertainer as the host!

Watch a preview of Roy's show after the jump!

Here's the premise:
"It's Worth What?" is a game show that taps into America's love for cost and value, such as hidden gems found in one's attic. Through set imagery and a never-ending flow of collectibles, antiques and near-priceless treasures, America is brought into a world with seemingly endless doors behind which are various objects ranging from a life-sized replica of the White House, to William Shatner's kidney stone which was auctioned off for charity.

A pair of contestants is taken through a series of challenges that escalate in level of difficulty, tasking the contestants with discerning the price of the items in each round. If they successfully complete the challenges, contestants can win up to $1 million.
Tune in tonight at 8/7c on NBC!

More Penn alumni "game shows" stories HERE

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Posted by Matt | 11:32 AM | , , , | 0 comments »

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