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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Selling New York and UPenn and realtors
(l to r:) Sabrina and Samantha
Move over Donald, Ivanka and Don Jr., there is another New York Penn family of realtors on TV starting tonight.

More about two successful Penn alumni sisters and their family business after the jump!

At Penn, sisters Sabrina Kleier-Morgenstern (C'98) and Samantha Kleier-Forbes (C'94) were both English majors who graduated cum laude, chaired Penn Rocks for the Homeless, were in SDT, tutored inner city students.

So it makes sense that they are now both working together as realtors in HGTV's runaway hit "Selling New York".  Tonight (January 6th, 9pm ET/PT), the show's second season starts and there's plenty of swimming with the sharks, going head-to-head with the best, and rubbing shoulders with the wealthiest and trendiest of New York's social, political and artistic elite.

The show gives viewers an inside look at the high stakes world of buying and selling luxury Manhattan townhouses and apartments through following our family business, Gumley Haft Kleier, and two other upscale boutique real estate firms.

As you know from other Penn entrepreneurs, if you have an audience, publishing books are sure to follow.  So come this fall, look out for Sabrina and Samantha's real estate novel which will be published by Harper Collins.

Some backstory on the sisters:  Before changing careers and joining the family business, both Sabrina and Samantha had roots working in entertainment. Samantha started off as a publicist at Susan Blond repping clients such as Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, and Michael Jackson, and became their youngest vice president.  Sabrina's path was more TV-centric.  She had first interned for Jeff Probst and then landed an entry level position at NBC's "Access Hollywood" and rose to become their youngest producer.

Watch a clip from season 1 (source):

Read the New York Times article on them HERE

More Penn on reality TV HERE

More Penn alumni "Winning Women" HERE


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Posted by Matt | 11:26 AM | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 0 comments »

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