Recently a tweet from Clarissa Palmer (C'14), a new Penn freshman, caught my eye about the DO's and DON'Ts of walking Locust Walk.
I thought all the Penn generations of my readers would appreciate this:
"Every single day, hundreds of people walk on Locust Walk (main pedestrian walkway at UPenn) to get to the library, class, their home, or to the dining halls. Everyone has a destination and a purpose to be there. So why the hell do some people stroll like they are just taking a walk in the park? Some people just don’t understand that people are in a rush and they need to keep moving. Here are the 7 things everyone at UPenn and people who come to visit need to know about walking on Locust Walk."Read them after the jump!
"1. Slow walkers need to walk on the outside of the path to allow those who need to pass enough space to get around.
2. No texting while walking either stop on the outside of the walkway to text or constantly look up to prevent bumping into people.
3. When greeting a friend on Locust Walk, DO NOT STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF PATH. You are taking up space, therefore slowing up traffic.
4. Do not randomly stop and duck in the opposite direction. Nine times out of ten, there will be someone walking behind you. Stopping suddenly and turning around will cause a major collision.
5. When someone is attempting to pass you, do not speed up and try to stay in front of them. That is how a bitch gets cut.
6. Try to walk in a straight line. Constant swerving will cause you to mess up someone else’s walking path therefore causing feelings of ill will, possible curse words, and/or a collusion.
7. Locust Walk is very uneven. If you trip while walking, brush it off quickly and keep it moving to prevent a traffic jam.
This list will probably expand as I spend more and more time on Locust Walk, which isn’t a good thing. And this doesn’t happen just here; in high school, the same things would happen when walking in the hallways. People just need to keep others in mind. Basically, what I am saying is that if you use Locust Walk and keep in mind this post, you’ll be doing yourself and the walkers around you a favor.
Roger Dat,
Some good thoughts, Clarissa! What do you think? Comment below!
Read more from Clarissa's blog "Chloe's World" HERE
On a related note, remember these Locust Walk occurrences caught on video?
- squawking parrots
- enormous pillow fights
- students remaining frozen for 5 minutes
- warriors clashing
- fiddling
Any student from NY knows this already - easy substitution: Locust Walk = NYC sidewalk...