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Monday, August 16, 2010

Last week, David Loewy (Eng '10, Mask and Wig) was featured on "The Tonight Show" alongside Ian Stringham (C'10, Mask and Wig) on a "Meal or No Meal" segment.

Jay Leno and David Loewy and UPennIn the segment (minute 15:27-18:10 above) David shows Jay and a panel of judges his unique skill for balancing all sorts of things on different parts of his body.

You may recall DT did a story on David a couple years ago when he submitted THIS video for an MTV show.  And it was this video that actually got David on Leno!

Find out how after the jump!

David tells me,

"You probably remember the story you ran about me a couple of years ago where I shot a video that aired on MTV Europe. Well, that video has been living on YouTube since then. I got an out-of-the-blue YouTube message from the Tonight Show talent coordinator who proposed the possibility of bringing me on the show. I kept in touch, and a few weeks later, they confirmed a date. They made all the arrangements-- flew me out to LA, put me up in a hotel, provided car service between the airport, hotel, and studio."

Nice to see Dave still has it!

Other Penn Alumni who have appeared on Jay Leno HERE


Posted by Matt | 6:25 PM | , , , , | 0 comments »

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