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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Abdi Farah and UPenn and BravoTV and Reality TV

While this Penn alum was named a Presidental Scholar in the arts, come June 9, we're going to see (said in reality TV show promo voice) "whether he has what it takes to become the next great artist".

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Abdi Farah (C'09) will be a contestant on Bravo's upcoming show, "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist", an hour long creative competition series among contemporary artists.

In the show executive produced by Sarah Jessica Parker, fourteen aspiring artists will compete for their own show at a highly reputable museum plus a big cash prize. Challenges in the show include creating unique pieces in a variety of mediums such as painting, sculpture, photography, collage and industrial design.

Per BravoTV's website, here is more info about Abdi:
"At the young age of 23, Abdi is making waves in the art world. A recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, he was one of four students in the nation to be awarded the Scholastics Art and Writing Gold Portfolio and was named a Presidential Scholar in the Arts, granting him an audience with the President of the United States. In 2008, the Yale Norfolk Summer School of Art selected Abdi into their program, and the following year he spent time studying abroad in Southern France. Primarily a painter, he has a passion for sculpture and printmaking. With a supportive family behind him, an infectious smile, and the drive to succeed, Abdi’s career has only just begun."
"Work of Art" premieres Wednesday, June 9 on Bravo.
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