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Monday, February 8, 2010

UPenn and Zach LutskyAt last year's Penn in Pictures event, Zach Lutsky (C'97, AEPi) talked about his experiences working as a medical consultant on the hit show "ER".

Now Zach tells me about "Miami Medical", the new Jerry Bruckheimer CBS drama he's been working on that debuts on April 2.   And if you saw the Superbowl yesterday, you would have seen the trailer for this new show during the 3rd quarter.  Otherwise, check it out above!

Per Zach,
"I was intimately involved with the writing and choreographing of ALL of the medical scenes in each of the first 13 episodes. I still work as an attending emergency physician at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center."
Miami Medical" is Jerry Bruckheimer's first medical drama about a "trauma-only" hospital in Florida. It is based on a real "trauma-only" hospital in Miami that is one of three such hospitals in the United States. It tells the story of a team of trauma surgeons handling the sickest and most severely injured trauma patients from accidents in and around Miami.

More Penn Doctors on TV HERE


Posted by Matt | 11:03 AM | , , , , | 0 comments »

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