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Thursday, February 11, 2010

UPenn Snowstorm
If you haven't heard, there was a big enough storm on the east coast to warrant not one, but now two Penn "snow days". The last time a double snowday happened was during the winter of '94.  There seemed to be tons of students and faculty tweeting with excitement. One tweet said:
"just saw somebody skiing down locust walk."

After the jump, check out 2 very visually cool time lapsed "snow" videos on Penn's campus!

(photo provided by Jake Werlin (C'12))

While the videos below were from a snowstorm at Penn in Decmeber, you should still check them out!

This snowstorm reminds me of of winter break '96, when we were rehearsing in the Mask and Wig clubhouse all day preparing for the Spring show. During our day of rehearsing, it was snowing so bad, that they shut SEPTA down, so all of the Mask and Wig guys had to layer random costumes from the clubhouse and walk from 11th and Pine all the way back to campus. Since I was a senior at the time, I got the cherished and enviable shotgun in Mark Milstein's (C'97) blue volvo.

For my DT Readers, did you ever have a snowday at Penn? Comment below!

The sun setting over the University of Pennsylvania during a snowstorm.

The sun setting over the University of Pennsylvania.

More about Penn's snow days this week HERE


Posted by Matt | 11:35 AM | , , , , , | 2 comments »

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  1. DrMark // February 11, 2010 at 1:22 PM  

    Personally, I enjoyed when everyone had to get out of the Volvo to push us out of a drift! (second favorite moment was digging out a parking space and 'pushing' the car into it!) That storm is all I have been thinking about this week!

  2. Matt // February 11, 2010 at 2:12 PM  

    Ah yes.. I remember when we pushed out the car and made the new guys dig out a parking space. Fun times!

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