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Friday, January 15, 2010

MTV's Jersey Shore and The SituationLast August, I I posted about producer Jake Avnet (C'05, Co-Chairman of Undergraduate Film Advisory Board, Founder of the Lecture Series) and his hot viral video take-offs about (1) Trojan Condoms and (2) the film American Psycho.  Since then, Jake has produced a very funny, very NSFW viral video with Scott Baio.

And now Jake has launched a new viral hit poking fun of that great TV masterpiece "The Jersey Shore" using the actual cast from the show!  Nice get!

I asked Jake how they got the cast and he told me,
"We met them at a party when they were out in LA on their initial press tour. They were only supposed to be in town for the weekend, but they kept extending their stays because they were getting booked on so many talk shows. We pitched the idea to them, they loved it, so we shot it one afternoon in their hotel room. It was their first time really acting, but we had a lot of fun with them, gave them the chance to improv a bit, and "The Real Situation" was the final result."
Check out "The Real Situation" above and watch out for DJ Lubel (C'05) as the waiter!

Incidentally, this short will actually airing on MTV tomorrow (Saturday) on a show called "Jersey Shore Spoof'd"


Posted by Matt | 12:32 PM | , , , , | 0 comments »

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