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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jake Avnet and UPenn
I've got another Penn alum filmmaker you all should keep your eye on who produced 2 viral hits I want to share --one a funny commercial for "Trojans2Go" and the other which brilliantly combines a Talking Heads song with the film American Psycho!

Last year, I did a post about how Jake Avnet (C'05, Co-Chairman of Undergraduate Film Advisory Board, Founder of the Lecture Series, "Talking Film") won two prestigious grants for one of his films.  Since then, Jake has co-founded his own production company called ENEMY Incorporated with director David Green whose focus is on commercials, music videos, and viral content, as well as film and television production.

As mentioned above, Jake sent me two great films his company has produced. And they're really creative and well done!

Click HERE to watch them!

Trojan Condoms
Trojan2Go Commercial -"Sri Lanka": Watch this guy travel the globe in the name of love! (reminds me of my undergrad film).   I'm sure our Penn alum sexologist and Trojan spokesperson would approve!

American Psycho and Tom Cruise and Talking HeadsA semi-NSFW cover of the Talking Heads Song "This Must Be the Place" laid over shot-by-shot re-enactments from American Psycho.  ...Tell me that the star of this video, Miles Fisher (Harvard alum), doesn't look like Tom Cruise?!


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Posted by Matt | 6:03 PM | , , , , , , , , | 0 comments »

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