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Monday, October 31, 2011

UPenn and Jill Goldberg and ghosts and Halloween

I've covered singer-songwriter Jill Goldberg (C'04, Dischord A Cappella, Penn Choir, Wind Ensemble) on DT before and have been saving this great music video of hers for Halloween because I really like this song and there were some cool animated ghosts floating around in the video.

However, what I didn't know until yesterday was the moving backstory behind this song.

After the jump, watch the video and learn about the touching reason why her perspective about ghosts has changed over the years.

Jill tells me,
"My mom passed away in 2009 and I guess my instinct is to think that she is still around somewhere nearby. As a child, whenever I was home alone, I'd get scared of every creek in the house thinking it was some sort of ghost, but now if that happens I like to believe that it's just my mom.  How can I be scared of that? :) Happy Halloween!"
More chilling videos from Penn alumni HERE

More DT Halloween posts HERE

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Posted by Matt | 7:39 AM | , , , , , | 0 comments »

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