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Monday, June 20, 2011

UPenn and Jess Garvey and actress and Los Angeles

Over the course of us following actress Jess Garvey (C'09) in her "Starter Reality Star" series on DT, she has achieved quite a bit (from going on lots of auditions to booking commercials).

In today's episode, Jess starts a new day job and brings us on an audition that didn't go as well as she had hoped.

After the jump, watch the episode with special guest star and pal Penn alum Jeni Sue Birnbaum (C'08) and then find out what other exciting audition she had since this episode was filmed!

Per Jess,
"In this episode I take you on a Nickelodeon audition and to my new job. Yes, I am just bursting with creativity and have to let it loose as much as possible. I started to work for an interior designer who also owns the sister store to the one I work at. We re-did a salon in beverly hills, get it Starter Actress, and it turned out beautifully. It is soooo fun, basically a glorified shopper slash I have to use math and I'm confused! The Nickelodeon audition did not go well, weird vibe in the room, but you just have to know like everything else you have your good and bad days and a lot of things are out of your control. Onto the next! Stay Tuned."
Gotta admire Jess' perseverance!

Tune in next time when Jess tells us about her recent audition for "Glee"!

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