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Friday, November 19, 2010

UPenn and Aaron Karo and Comedy Central
DT Favorite Aaron Karo's (W'01, Pennfest 2006 performer, Penn in Pictures 2010 panelist) hates when bridesmaids conclude their speeches about how the bride and groom met with the tired phrase "and the rest is history".

Tonight, Aaron's first one-hour Comedy Central special kicks off with this complaint and then runs the gamut from drunken friends who always start fights, to couples who take pictures of their feet while on vacation, to the singles table at weddings being filled with people in relationships.

After the jump, watch the video clip of the first 4 very funny minutes of his special, airing tonight (November 19) at 11 pm on Comedy Central.

Update: Get the UNCUT album from the show HERE– a full TWENTY MINUTES longer, including Aaron's favorite joke, “Disconnected During Phone Sex” that got cut from the special!

In this follow-up to his acclaimed album Just Go Talk to Her, the comedian and author who shot to fame with his viral Ruminations email column unleashes a series of side-splitting anecdotes about being thirty and unattached that keep the Boston crowd roaring with delight.  While I haven't seen it yet, apparently Aaron ends the show by revisiting those pesky bridesmaids in a hilarious finale.

And if you recall, Aaron isn't the only Penn alum to have a Comedy Central special...

Update: Get the UNCUT album from the show HERE– a full TWENTY MINUTES longer, including Aaron's favorite joke, “Disconnected During Phone Sex” that got cut from the special!


Posted by Matt | 8:39 AM | , , , | 0 comments »

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