Actually, most of them apply to any personal endeavor, really.
Find out what they are and why he quotes a country song after the jump!

He booked a commercial with some of his idols, won a meeting with a hollywood casting director and over the past month, he landed another commercial with Sprint, and will be acting in a film (similar to THIS
So what lessons has Alex learned that will help you too?
As you'll see above some of these lessons include:
- Networking (be a part of our Penn community HERE)
- Do headshots right the first time (check out all our Penn alumni actor headshots HERE)
- "Owning it" - find out what he means
- ...And find out how he pulls out a lesson from THIS
And speaking of actor tips, don't forget to check out our new "Starter Reality Star" actor series with Penn alum Jess Garvey (C'09): Episode 1: Watch her audition for a Special K commercial in LA!
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