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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Toilet Paper

SurvivorWhat does one do after being in the spotlight on CBS' Survivor?

Ask Gregg Carey (C'99, Friars, Sprint Football, DKE) who appeared in Survivor Palau (2005).

Who knew?! (and let's not forget about THIS other Penn alum who was also on "Survivor"!)

...Gregg continues to be in the spotlight with his hot new email newsletter, named after the one luxury item he wasn't given in Palau - Toilet Paper!

After launching at the end of January 09, "The Toilet Paper, Daily News for the Thinking Man" published its 100th issue to its 15,000 daily readers last month.

Greg's free email targets males (and curious females) 22-40 with intelligent, edgy, and topical content. 

Per Gregg,
"Where other newsletters like Thrillist, Daily Candy, Urban Daddy, and Ideal Bite offer some form of a lifestyle tip: a restaurant recommendation, a fashion suggestion, or an opinion on a new gadget, the “product” that The Toilet Paper offers our readers is relevant knowledge. As Ricky Gervais, creator of the hit show "The Office" preaches, “Guys love facts.” We agree.

So, TTP takes one topical news story from the headlines (Politics, Business, Sports, or Pop Culture) and provides entertaining facts, statistics, quotes, lists, and definitions that support that topic; we think of it as funny and relevant bits for a guy’s daily banter; at the water cooler, on dates, at the bar with friends. Our simple format also provides a compelling way for our advertising partners to get their product information out to a valuable demographic in an entertaining and informative way. We have recently been featured in the NYPost, RadarOnline, The Guardian, and numerous other sites."

Check out a sample of his newsletter here:
Remember the Time (Michael Jackson Dies)

Get in touch with Gregg at gregg at!

UPennAnd it is confirmed. Based on all my posts, the class of 1999 seems to be the most media-centric class that I can see!!

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Posted by Matt | 10:32 AM | , , , , , , , , , | 0 comments »

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