Over the past couple of months the whole notion of Twitter has really blown up and between Twitter and Facebook, everyone can basically communicate to everyone else instantly what they're doing or thinking at that moment.
Personally, I've only been using my Twitter page to communicate the latest Penn news and occasionally my opinions about some TV shows... but I'm (gulp) beginning to see the addicting quality to it. In the near future, I'll probably also use Twitter to share some cool, useful (not necessarily Penn related) and free tech sites and products on the web.
I think the video above really and hysterically nails this Twitter revolution down PERFECTLY!
...My favorite lines used as tweet examples in the above video:
- "I'm watching TV with my cat" and
- "Just found a parking space"
I find Twitter very useful for forming relationships and making potential client contacts for my company. But it does take a organized strategy to use Twitter and Facebook effectively for business purposes. I tweet as @ZimblerMiller and my daughter Yael, who is chief technology officer of our company, tweets as @MillerMosaicLLC. There's some information on using Twitter at our site http://www.CalltoActionWebsites.com