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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

As part "Love Week", Mark Ayzenberg (C'09) sent me a sweet video of a song he had written and performed for his sister and brother-in-law for their their wedding.

Listen to "Ten Years Comin" here

Click to read the Mark's lyrics:...+/-

The Lyrics to "Ten Years Comin':

They met at golden slipper camp
Marc was a track star, Irene a badminton champ
Late October of 2005, Marc proposed;
I can't say it greatly changed their lives

Cuz it's been a 10 years comin'
They've been happy for oh so long
It's been 10 years comin'
And they're still goin' so goin' so strong

I had plenty of time to write this song

They went through so much together
Gave support and love no matter the weather
I know that for the rest of their lives
This love will continue to grow and thrive

From the weeklong business trips
To Marc cooking dinners throughout Irene's exam time flips
I don't know how they did it
Must be that Love of this kind is impossible to split

There's just one more thing I wanna to say
Their adopted kittens are great and fun for today
I'm all for family increase
But I'd rather it be a baby nephew or niece

Cuz it's been a 10 years comin'
They've been happy for oh so long
It's been 10 years comin'
And they're still goin' so goin' so strong

There's no better person
For Marc or Irene

Click here to listen to Mark's catchy instrumental song: "Time Lapse"
(Mark is encouraging users to give their feedback on his youtube page)

Check out other Penn musicians

Check out all my posts from the DuelingTampons' "Love Week" series

Posted by Matt | 9:48 AM | , , , , , , | 0 comments »

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