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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Believe it or not there's another Penn related film festival outside of the Los Angeles based Pennfest film & music festival.

It's the Greater Philadelphia Student Film Festival (GPSFF) and this one is only for current Penn (and neighboring Philadelphia college) students and alumni one year out.

You hear that undergrad filmmakers I posted about here?

Now in its 3rd year and co-run by Penn undergrads, GPSFF seeks t o forge lasting connections between the city and its most talented filmmakers as an investment in Philadelphia's film industry. This festival provides an outlet for Philadelphia students to screen their films in front of a city-wide audience of their peers.

“The GPSFF team has built an extensive network of student liaisons from the various schools that will allow the Festival to grow beyond the walls of UPenn, where it originally started.” said Yanik Ruiz-Ramón (C’10), Co-Executive Director of the Festival’s board. “With the success of last year’s festival, we are anticipating tremendous growth for this year’s event, with more submissions from more schools, a more diverse attendance of students throughout the region, and greater support from both the city and promotional sponsors,” said Jason Gurwin (W’08), Co-Executive Director, a founding member of the festival board.
GPSFF will be accepting submissions from current Penn students and alumni within one year of graduation through Friday February 1st, WITH NO SUBMISSION FEE! (Late submissions may be sent in by February 15th but require a $10 late fee.)

Finalists will have their films screened in front of hundreds of adoring fans at the GPSFF Awards Ceremony on March 28 and the winning films will be screened in the Philadelphia Film Festival in April in Levitt Auditorium at 401 S. Broad Street, which seats up to 600 people.

Click here for submission guidelines

Any questions, email

Watch the GPSFF Promotional Videos: City Ad, "GPSFF Boardroom": Day One, Day Two

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