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Friday, July 13, 2007

...So what's the story behind our namesake, anyway?

Since that's what this site is called, I figured I'd contact University Archives to get more of the details.

Jacqueline Jacovini, the Curator at Penn's archives gave me the skinny...

Beyond the fact that they're "four elements" made of rolled sheets of milled steel whose overall dimensions are 45' x 69' x 26'... the "Covenant" (real name) was something of controversy when it was built on Penn's campus in 1975.

Click to check out more details about why this "obnoxiously spastic" (quote from a 1974 undergrad) structure was built in the first place.

Now you (and I) know.

Posted by Matt | 10:58 AM | , | 3 comments »

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  1. Anonymous // July 13, 2007 at 9:21 PM  

    I think the artist or the artist's estate gets a lot of say in the disposition of commissioned art. Otherwise, I couldn't possibly imagine any valid reason for leaving that abhomination out there in full view of impressionable youth.

  2. Desire // July 16, 2007 at 9:31 AM  

    Well actually you don't talk about how the sculpture the Covenent is actually a representation of the Story of Moses and Issac(?). How according to the Christain Bible, God tested Moses' faith by saying he needed sacrific his son and Moses was going to do it but God stopped him. When you hear that story and then look at the sculpture then it sorta makes sense

  3. Anonymous // April 23, 2008 at 5:25 PM  

    Desire, you mean Abraham, not Moses. It is supposed to represent the binding of Isaac.

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