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Saturday, October 29, 2011

So far on DT, you've seen a Penn alum professionally modeling some great Halloween costumes.

I now have another Penn alum wearing what will eventually be a great Halloween costume!

After the jump, check out Elizabeth Banks (C'96) in a new movie poster as the flamboyant "Effie Trinket" in the upcoming Hunger Games film!

UPenn and Elizabeth Banks and Hunger Games

More about Liz playing the role of Effie from Entertainment Weekly here

As for what Liz is up to lately, she is in producing mode:
  • Check out a picture with her and Ana Kendrick here on the set of a new a capella group she's producing called "Pitch Perfect".
  • She and her husband Max Handelman (C'95, AEPi) is producing a new tv comedy for Fox called "Dave's Dead" and is being described as Shaun of the Dead meets "My Name is Earl".

Don't forget about our DT Contest (ends, Friday, Nov. 4!):

UPenn and Cremo Cream and Kyle Schroeder

To win one of the gift baskets you see above (plus a fog free shave mirror not in the picture), all you need to do is retweet the following:
(click link below)

Win this Penn alum's Cremo Shave Cream, Moisturizer, Wash and Mirror. (Retweet to enter contest!) #upenn


Posted by Matt | 10:52 AM | , , , , , | 0 comments »

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