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Thursday, July 28, 2011

UPenn and body modification and tattoos

Actually, you've got to watch this documentary that Jaclyn Gurwin (C'11), a Penn undergrad created for her senior honors thesis called "I Am Not My Body".

You'll get sucked into this because the film is beyond seeing "distortions" (we're talking split tongues, nose jobs, tattoos, piercings, and some more graphic items you'll just have to watch to find out about.  And I'll be honest, the NSFW story told in the first 2 minutes is not for the faint of heart!)

Much of the gold about this 24 minute documentary has to do with the stories behind why people alter their body.  Reasons having to do with relationships and self-worth.

After the jump, watch the stories of 7 unique personalities unfold, plus commentary by a "body modification specialist", a tattoo artist and a plastic surgeon ....and in minute 10, listen to the "pretty intense" request a tattoo artist actually completed!

Maybe Jaclyn should have interviewed these Penn alumni to find out why they got their Penn tattoos!

Watch an interview that Jaclyn did about her film:

More Penn alumni produced documentaries HERE


Posted by Matt | 10:14 AM | , , , , | 0 comments »

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