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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

UPenn and Alex Weber and actor

Last fall, we started our "An Actor's Path" vlog series with Penn alum Alex Weber (C'09, Lacrosse). Throughout this year we're tracking Alex's journey as a new actor here in Hollywood.

Recently, Alex shared with us that he starred in a commercial with some of his idols.  In this month's episode, Alex debuts the commercial to us and redoes something important now for a fourth time!

Find out what after the jump!

In the Full Tilt poker commercial you'll see above, Alex appears with poker's top tier player, Gus Hansen.

So what's been happening for Alex this month?

Per Alex,
"May finished up with a live performance from the Improv class I took over at Upright Citizens Brigade. Definitely have learned the importance of being positive and patient, and just been doing everything I can to make the most of opportunities when they do come about. Looking forward to continuing with improv this summer as well as a scene study course, and will be filming an independent at the end of the month."
And as Alex mentioned above, he got his headshot done for a 4th time(!)  Something which is important (and potentially costly) for an actor.  Check out his new headshot HERE

As you may have noted from Alex's series this year, Alex has had a pretty full and varied journey since he moved to LA last September.  We've learned that it's all about refining your craft, taking classes, seizing opportunities and meeting people.   Catch up on all his posts HERE
  • More Penn actor posts HERE
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