Another alum with a documentary!
Check out and vote for (by November 4) Paul Shore (C'96)'s short film Being Iraqi. This film just made it to the quarterfinals in an online contest being hosted by Radio Canada International featuring short films about cultural diversity.
Being Iraqi follows Iraqi- Canadian hip hop MC Yassin Alsalman (aka The Narcycist) over the US/Canada border to a show to see what life is like for him post 9-11.
Click here to vote
(Once at the site, click "Click Here to Launch the Competition". Then, under Quarterfinals, there is Watch This Weeks Finalists. Paul's is in the row of people and if you scroll over it you will see his name and the title of the film. Click the person and his film will come up and you can click the stars to rate it (vote for it). )
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Friday, November 2, 2007
What happens when mtvU brings author Malcolm Gladwell (Blink, The Tipping Point) and musician Kenna to a Penn Sociology of Media and Popular Culture class?
Watch the video above to find out!
These 2 come to the class as a surprise after the class had studied Gladwell's novel Blink.
Per Malcolm, the musician Kenna (whom I never heard of) is an example of someone who causes much "enthusiasm in the music industry yet hasn't made it in the mainstream music world."
I don't know who's more surprised.. the kids in this video or me because there's a Penn Sociology of Media and Popular Culture class. I only hope that they've moved onto Britney by now.
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Thursday, November 1, 2007
More homecoming videos are making their way to
This set of videos come from this year's Mask and Wig fall show "Phallus in Wonderland." (video credits: Kayd Mustonen). The videos cover clips from the show including the second act's opening number, the closer and a funny "Filler" dance break bit.
Typically Mask and Wig's second act opener uses popular songs to poke fun of current campus issues. This year, Mask and Wig used all Creedence Clearwater songs to poke fun of the RIAA cracking down on Penn students for illegal downloads ....leading President Gutmann to turn the internet off at Penn! Luckily, one student, "Roflcopter69" leads a rebellion and saves the day.
Click below to check out the videos!
Second act opener 1
Second act opener 2
"Filler" bit
Closing number
Recent Mask and Wig grad, Josh Burgess (C'07) had great things to report about this show with highlights centering around bits about "a computer that came out to its user (with a great impression of the computer-generated voice), two cowboys in a duel that kept going wrong, and one really ambitious bit that went in reverse, kind of like Memento."
I watch these Mask and Wig videos and am quick to reflect about my years in Mask and Wig, when we used soundtracks for our second act openers from Les Miserables, Jesus Christ Superstar, the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band and Rocky Horror Picture Show to poke fun of topics ranging from the '92 presidential elections, to Judy Rodin's new appointment as President of Penn, to the "BYOB" (bring your own beer) issues (no alcohol could be served at fraternity parties..yeah those times were not fun).
Check out all Mask and Wig videos here!
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Outside of the Elizabeth Banks (C'96) announcement I posted earlier today, here are two more Penn (/Mask and Wig) alumni tidbits from today's Hollywood Reporter:
--Norm Golightly (W'94, Mask and Wig) to produce documentary on Police guitarist Andy Summers in a similar narration/photography style as the Robert Evans documentary "The Kid Stays in the Picture"
--Todd Lieberman (C'95, AEPi, Mask and Wig) to produce sci-fi comedy "Grounded" for Disney. (plot details not revealed as of yet)
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Sorry, but the words "freaking cool" come to mind when I watched Brian Canavan's (C'10) documentary on Daniel Schwartz's (C'10) passion for Light Graffitti.
...You've got to check this out!
Click here to watch it
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More announcements about Elizabeth Banks (C'96) this week when it comes to film and TV...
Liz will be starring in a new comedy in which (per The Hollywood Reporter), she "follows a pair of party-hearty energy-drink salesmen forced into the roles of big brothers to fulfill a community-service obligation who end up bonding with their assigned kids. Banks is playing Rudd's girlfriend who persuades him to join the program."
The film's director, David Wain, is the same guy who directed Liz in the short internet films I posted about this summer here.
Speaking of Liz, be sure to catch her on Scrubs, this Thursday night on NBC when her character gives birth!
More Penn alumni on TV HERE
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Not everyone is like me. editor Jim Newell (C'07, 34th Street Editor and Chief) DESPISES all capella groups much in fact that he has started a "Worst A Cappella Group in the Ivy League" tournament based on bad submissions.
I hate to say it but he has a Penn a capella group in his first round.
Click here to vote in Jim's head-to-head a capella group grudge matches
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Back in early September, I encouraged readers to help vote for Dara Cook (W'95) as a replacement anchor on ABC News Now's segment "What's the Buzz?".
Dara just emailed me to let me know that thanks to and all your votes, she won (!) and that her first on-air interview is today (Tuesday, 12:30 pm) with 50 cent.
Click here to check your local listings to watch her!
Also, Dara tells me that Merry Miller is a guest on The View today (Tuesday), and The View hosts have been asked to plug Dara replacing Merry on What's the Buzz.
Click here to watch Dara's winning audition video
Click here to learn more about Dara's beginnings
Monday, October 29, 2007
Check out this latest entry from Aaron Karo's (W'01) (video) Ruminations.
This is classic!
Watch the video here!
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