Since my filmmaking days at Penn, technology has changed in such a way that the films the students put out these days look really very professional.
That said, last week, Brian Tran (W'10) (and former "Penn in Cannes 2009" correspondent) let me know about a new reinterpretation of Lady Gaga's "Speechless" music video he and his friends Kevin McAleer (C'10), and Maddy Dopico (C'13) put together for a class project.
What is the meaning of this video?
Brian tells us,
"Our actual goal is eventually get enough hits on the video to have it get passed onto Lady Gaga herself. The meaning of the video itself it pretty convoluted, much like Lady Gaga's videos. We tried to pay homage to her and her aesthetic as well as other films such as Weekend at Bernie's and Misery.
The more pretentious meaning of the video is it is a commentary on alcoholism and binge drinking in youth culture. In the past, drinking has covered personal intimate problems, but now, with this generation, alcohol and certainly drugs serves to eclipse a larger, macro fear, stemming from a childhood in the age of terror. This is why every time a character drinks to excess, they lose their voice (hence the subtitles) and their ability to communicate with other characters.
The main character is in love with his straight best friend and after repeated failed efforts to win his heart, decides that the only reasonable course of action is to get his friend blackout drunk to fulfill his perfect dream life. Alcohol is used as a means to an end, but it doesn't succeed in the film."
More talented Penn Class Projects you should check out HERE
More Penn video gems from the 70's, 80's and 90's HERE
More of my DT "Music Monday" posts HERE
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