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Monday, May 24, 2010

UPenn and graduation Over the past few weeks (through Graduation 2010 ceremonies), my facebook feed was full of bittersweet posts from now new graduates as they experienced their first does of separation anxiety from Penn.

One farewell video caught my eye...

Graduating senior Kiane Simeon (C'10) dedicates this farewell video to her friends at Penn.

Per Kiane,
"One fine sunny day, I woke up with a bloody brilliant idea that I would film the last 6 weeks at Penn--all the loverly people, all the spamtastic happenings, all the indecent exposures!!! Here is the story of belly laughs, palpable love, and sweet juicy memories wrapped in a neat little moving picture package.

This film is dedicated to all of us. A toast!! A toast to a chapter done and written in all its rough draft glory but perfect in its sweet memories.

I am eternally grateful to all the people I have ever met that we crossed paths. Deepest thanks to the destiny fairy (who also moonlights as the tooth fairy to cover her exorbitant lifestyle) for deciding that you and me should collide.

I will truly miss all of you!!!"

While this video is personal to Kiane, I think we alumni can all relate to it in one way or another.

More Penn Farewell videos you'll enjoy HERE

Check out videos from this year and previous Penn graduations HERE

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Posted by Matt | 1:07 PM | , , | 0 comments »

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