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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Alex Weber and UPenn and Actor and Hollywood Last fall, we started our "An Actor's Path" vlog series with Penn alum Alex Weber (C'09, Lacrosse). Throughout this year we're tracking Alex's journey as a new actor here in Hollywood.

In my Alex's last post on DT, Alex starred in a commercial with some of his idols.

In this month's episode, Alex talks about a big budget commercial he was cast in, what important "actor" task he needs to finish very soon, his return to Penn, and how important networking is for an actor.

More after the jump...

Per Alex,

"A few weeks ago I was cast in a production for Canon Cameras, which was a terrific learning experience. The project was an advertisement for a new HD camera Canon's releasing this year. I played the role of a soldier. The production team was the same crew that worked the Terminator Salvation movie. It was one of the bigger productions I'd been a part of, and it really taught me a lot about the collaboration needed to produce a piece and the role of the actor within that.

My weekend back at Penn was great, and it just reminded me again how much I loved it there and how excited I am to be getting involved in the Alumni community here in Los Angeles."
In Alex's vlog below, he talks about how he needs to update his reel. While we all wait, check out some other Penn actor's reels HERE

  • More Penn actor posts HERE
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