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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

UPenn traditions and Hey Day
During last Friday's "Hey Day", President Amy Gutmann pronounced the students of Class of 2011 "seniors". As you alumni see (and remember), much excitement and debauchery ensues during this ceremony.

I too remember feeling this way, but for some reason when I looked at this year's video above, I had a different perspective altogether...

So if you think about it, why are these students so excited?

I guess it is the prospect of being the leaders of the school now, and the recognition of the achievement of three years of undergraduate life at Penn.

Then again, perhaps all the students in the video above hated their experiences at Penn and are anxiously waiting graduation. I tend to doubt this one.

That said, this day should actually be somewhat sad if you think about it. Pronouncing this class "seniors" is a wake up call that in a year, these students will leave their glorious days of college life behind.

I'm curious to hear what you all think. I welcome your comments below!

More Penn traditions HERE

Check out some past Hey Day "You Are Seniors" videos below:




Posted by Matt | 11:21 AM | , , , | 0 comments »

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