And wait until you hear the lyrics of one of their classics...
Among their many traditional holiday tunes, this one below definitely stood out. It's entitled "Winter Is the Time to Snow Your Girl." (arranged by former Director Emeritus Dr. Bruce Montgomery.) Check out the lyrics below... (and thank you to Lee Crain (C'10) for providing us with the videos!)
"Winter is the time to snow your girl,
Take her for a frosty, country whirl,
And though your girl be frigid and all her morals rigid,
If you're not slow, but cool as snow,
You will captivate your girl.
Now some folks like a balmy June,
'Tis best for love they say.
But I prefer an icy sleet,
To make a snow job quite complete.
Winter is the time to snow your girl,
Take her for a frosty country whirl.
And though your girl be clever and stops your first endeavor,
If you're real nice and smooth as ice,
You will captivate your girl.
Nothing could be gayer than to one-horse-open-sleigh-her.
Winter is the time, time to snow your girl.
Snow man! Snow!"
If you enjoy these holiday classics, get the Glee Club's CD HERE!
Happy Holidays everyone! And check back next week for my end of the year wrap up and some exciting things to come to DT!
Speaking of Christmas, check out these Penn related holiday DT favorites:
- Christmas time means classic TV repeats from Penn alumni
- Penn alumni make millions on holiday song
- Carolling from the Penn Med Ultrasounds
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