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Thursday, October 29, 2009

While I'm not a huge sports fan, as a Penn alum I can't help but get excited for the Phillies being in the World Series (and winning last night).

So on that note, in this whole Phillies frenzy, check out the video above of Penn's Glee Club singing a revised version of Bruce Montgomery's "Ain't-Cha Never Heard Of?" (originally released in 1989). The lyrics have been adapted to highlight the Phillies' coaching staff, top executives and names the complete roster from the 2009 National League Championship Series.

Recently, Mike Missanelli of ESPN Radio (950 AM / 97.5 FM) played the song and gave a big on-air plug to the Glee Club.   Let's all rally together to get more airtime by sending an email to "" or call the "Air Studio" (if you want to wait and try to get on the air on Mike's show) at 610-632-0950 -- or both!

And watch out for the audio track to go on sale on the Penn Glee Club's website soon!

This isn't the first time the Glee Club got involved with Philadelphia's sports teams...
  • Watch the Penn Glee club bring their harmony to a 76ers game HERE 

More ways Penn express their Phillies love HERE

Speaking of the World Series, check out DJ Gregory's (W'03, Off the Beat) vlog below as he analyzes "starting pitching, offense, the bullpens and the managers to find that the difference maker may be the experience factor."


Posted by Matt | 7:38 AM | , , , , , , | 0 comments »

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