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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Considering it is vlog week here on DT, I thought I would give a nod to a recent production on Penn's campus all about vlogs, ...or to be more precise, one very popular "Sing-Along Blog"...

In my facebook feed I saw that director Ben Grinberg (C'11) was staging a production of the popular viral video hit "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" for Penn's Fall 2009 New Student Orientation show.

Below, check out the "Laundry Day" clip that Ben sent me ...and then see the original clip below that starring Neil Patrick Harris!

I love how Ben has projected the laundrymat as a video in the background during the scene!  (fyi, check out Ben's other entertaining video projects HERE)

UPenn VlogsOriginal production written by Maurissa Tanchardoen, Jed Whedon, Joss Whedon, and Zack Whedon. Penn's version produced by Julia Kahn (C'10). Directed by Ben Grinberg (C'11). Musically Directed by Reza Mirsajadi (C'11).

CAST Dr. Horrible: Mike Silverstein (C'12), Captain Hammer: Harrison Unger (C'10), Penny: Cassidy Regan (C'10), Ensemble: Jack Stanley (C'11), Jess Dignam (C'12), Annie Norbitz (C'12), Amanda Atkinson (C'12), Kevin McAleer (C'10), Dan Singer (C'10).


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Posted by Matt | 2:00 PM | , , , , | 0 comments »

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