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Friday, August 7, 2009

UPenn Gay By DawnLast week I did a post on Hollywood-guy-to-watch-out-for Jonathan London (C'01, WQHS Radio, The Hollywood Club).  And now a fun follow-up!

In that post, Jonathan talked about how he "shot a film for school called Gay By Dawn (featured in Pennfest 2006 - program HERE, photos HERE).  It was a comedy horror short and it played really well at festivals for about two years. I knew it played well with festival audiences because it was weird, but just kept sending it to any festival that would take it and was shocked that it lived so long."

Well, we have it now to show on DT and it is funny! 
"In the deep, dark woods, four rednecks tell ghost stories around an open fire. But when one tells a tale about the horrors that may lurk around them, fear becomes suspicion. Will they make it out in time? Or will the very woods around them turn them Gay By Dawn? Finally! Gay By Dawn is here! Four rednecks discover the true nature of terror in this multiple award winning comedy short."

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Posted by Matt | 10:49 AM | , , , , | 0 comments »

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