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Friday, June 26, 2009

What does it mean to be an actor in Los Angeles?

Perhaps boasting about your training ....or exhibiting the extremes to which actors will go to "bring it".

Check out the above very funny "Office"/documentary-ish video on what it means to be an LA actor. In this short, a documentary crew follows around a group of LA actors (co-starring Penn alum Jill Magilone C'00) trying to rehearse for an Industry Showcase. Things get out of control when Ben and Renee show their true colors...

Jill is great in this. Her tone reminds me of a cross between Anna Faris and Julie Hagerty (from Airplane! fame). Very castable!

(Be sure to check out the Joaquin Phoenix reference in there...or at least I think it's a reference as the guy looks like him!)

Check out:
  • my Penn Actors Headshot Gallery HERE!
  • the new Penn Actor Video Reel section HERE (add yours HERE)
  • Advice for the actor who wants to move out to LA HERE

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Posted by Matt | 11:52 AM | , , , , | 1 comments »

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  1. Anonymous // June 26, 2009 at 3:10 PM  

    Lt. Dan Choi is an Arabic linguist. He is fighting discharge from the military and fighting the discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Lt. Choi goes on trial on Tuesday. I just signed a letter of support via the Courage Campaign for Lt. Choi, which he will bring to his trial. Please join me in signing and urge your friends to do the same before Tuesday's trial?

    Courage Campaign | Sign the Statement of Support for Lt. Dan Choi
    Lt. Dan Choi, from Orange County, California, is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and an Iraq War veteran. On Tuesday, he will face a panel of colonels who will decide whether or not ...
    Joan Myerson Shrager 1960

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