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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yesterday I shared with you video from the 2009 graduation from Penn President Amy Gutmann and Google's CEO Eric Schmidt.

Now, thanks to some of my twitter and facebook friends, check out Penn graduation speaker John Legend's (C'99) very inspirational speech. Below is an excerpt from his speech which is especially moving:
"I believe that you, as graduates of this prestigious institution, the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania, have soul power. No matter what careers or hobbies you pursue after leaving here, do them with SOUL.

You are empowered to be great leaders. You are equipped--in your jobs, your hobbies, your relationships. You are equipped with the ability to think critically, to listen attentively, to navigate the gray areas, to read between the lines, to bear witness, and to lead in the pursuit of truth.

You have knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

And, as my late grandfather would say, or as the freedom fighters of the civil rights movement would SING, if you know the truth, the truth will set you free. The truth will set you free someday.

Class of 2009, your someday begins today."

My other John Legend posts (including performances at Penn this past year) HERE

Check out videos from this year and previous Penn graduations HERE

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Posted by Matt | 9:55 AM | , , , , | 0 comments »

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