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More about the Shaving Cream here + coupons if you want to purchase now ...+/-
The Astonishingly Superior Shave Cream
* Dramatically reduces cuts, nicks, scrapes and razor irritation.
* Gives you the closest, most comfortable. longest lasting shave.
* Leaves your skin astonishingly soft and smooth.
Try It Once to Believe it. Enjoy It For Life. It's Really That Good.
Most shave "creams" and "gels" are actually foam -- which is primarily air. Visualize a sharp blade scarping across your delicate skin with air as the main "lubricant." It tears your skin, creates little cuts and nicks that bleed, and leaves your skin looking and feeling rough.
Cremo has no air: It's an extremely rich cream (even more so than other similar/non-foam luxury shave creams). It contains unique, super-lubricating, highly-slippery molecules that have been compounded with powerful skin conditioners. Together, they make your blade glide smoothly over your skin astonishingly soft and smooth. I think you will find this is better than anything else you have ever used. Try it once to believe it. Enjoy it for life.
If you can't wait, here are some discounts to purchase his shaving cream at
- New Customers: Receive $5 off $30 or $10 off $50 on your first non-prescription order! Offer ends 08.31.08.
A great deal if you have never ordered from the website before. I think (but am not sure) that you can use it with the link above--definitely with the ones below. carries everything from Frontline flea repellent for your pets to inflatable pool toys, so spending $50 is easy, plus you get free shipping and no tax (for those of us not in WA).
- Cremo Cream Shave Cream, with Free Fogless Mirror
This is a great promotion that we are running. Incredible value given that you can pay $20 for a fogless shower mirror in most stores.
- 20% off SALE for 6 oz Cremo Cream tube
Get the contest details here...+/-
*Contest Details:
- Only Penn undergrads, alumni, staff and prospects can participate
- 1 winner will be chosen at random from eligible applicants to receive (via mail) 3 tubes of Cremo Cream and 2 Fogless Shower Mirrors .
- Contest ends on Thursday, July 31, 11:59 pm
- How the winners will be chosen:
To decide the winners of this competition, I will place each entry into a numbered list in the order the entrants comment was received. Using Research Randomizer, I will first select one random entry according to their number who will win. I will contact the winner about his/her prize as soon as the draw is completed and will announce the winner on this blog soon after.
- Winner will be notified via the email he/she submitted for signing up for the newsletter the week of August 4

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