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Thursday, April 3, 2008

This week Steven Vaughn-Lewis (C'12) just got his acceptance letter into Penn and he filmed it!

Alumni and undergrads chime in on why they chose Penn. Read their responses here!

videosWatch a group of Penn 2012 (new) admits check out (and hope for eventually living in) the Quad during "Penn Previews"

The "envelope opening" video above reminds me of when I got my acceptance letter back in 1992 (see my actual letter below and be sure to zoom in).

I remember getting my acceptance letter for both Penn and Cornell in the same day. I was so excited, and such a dork, that I remember wearing a Penn sweatshirt the next day to high school with my Cornell sweatpants. While I was proud of these acceptances, I cringe at how I decided to showcase this to the world.

Of course it was that day when I officially adhered my "University of Pennsylvania" sticker to my car's windshield. (...Come on, we all did this didn't we? :) Comment below!)

More about this year's increase admit rate and the possible reasons behind it

More Now and Then Thursday posts here!


Posted by Matt | 2:50 PM | , , , , , | 2 comments »

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  1. Anonymous // April 3, 2008 at 4:10 PM  

    Hi Matt

    I am actually in the same dilemma you were in - I too was accepted to UPenn and Cornell. Although I'm almost positive I will attend Penn, would you mind sharing some of the reasons why you chose Penn?


  2. Brittany // April 7, 2009 at 4:12 PM  

    Hahaha! My car now adorns the UPenn sticker as well. Horray '13!

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