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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm often asked by many undergrads and alumni, "How do I get to Hollywood?" or "How do I start a career in entertainment?" You've seen the emerging talent on this site. You've seen the success stories. But how do you get in on the action?

So far I have been posting some great individual's paths to success here, but starting today, Im going to start up a "Tuesday Tips" series which will go deeper into pursuing a career in entertainment and help answer the following questions:
1) What should I do to have a career in entertainment?
2) What internships should I be seeking out?
3) What resources are available to me?
4) Which Penn alumni should I be speaking with?
5) What do I do to pursue a job when I get to Los Angeles?

These tips come from my personal journey out here in Los Angeles over the past 10+ years pursuing a career in acting and writing. I will also have alumni in other entertainment verticals out here (agents, assistants, film & TV producers, filmmakers) offer some tips within my posts.

I encourage everyone to comment below with:
-your additional tips to my weekly stories
-suggestions for future "Tuesday Tips" stories.

Click here to check out my first Tuesday Tip: "Top 2 Internships in Entertainment (1/2)"

Check out which alumni and undergrads are registered on

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Submitting a story to Dueling Tampons: What you need to know...

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