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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Seen crossing the finish line in front of the Sweeten Alumni House on Locust Walk are
(l-r) Ted Lansky, C'64 (an all-American wrestler while at Penn), Penn friend Mike Shockro,
and the leader of the race and the scholarship fundraising, Bruce Lederman, W'64.

On September 27th, three University of Pennsylvania alumni ended their cross-country bike race (3,050 miles from Santa Monica, CA to Penn!!) against a four-man team of Bucknell alums to raise $1 million in scholarship funds for each university to support outstanding students who would otherwise be unable to afford a Penn education.from low-income backgrounds.

...And we've got the finish line video thanks to Kiera Reilly, C'93, Director Alumni Education & Travel, Penn's West Coast Office.

Click here to check it out!

Talk about endurance and dedication!

The race started on Sept. 9 and honored the memory of Ed Zolla, W'68. Ed had planned to make this ride but passed away unexpectedly at age 58 last year. I knew Ed from the Penn Club of Los Angeles and he certainly had great Penn spirit! It's great to see such a dedicated group of Penn alumni honoring his memory.

Click here to check out the KTLA news interview these guys did before the race started

The Penn team raised a good amount of money but they're looking to raise more money for scholarships and every little bit helps!

Click here to make a donation to Penn to provides scholarships for students who would otherwise be unable to afford a Penn education.

Click here for more "Finishing Line" photos

Read more about this fundraiser here!

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