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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

All this week, I will be sharing with you stories and video of Penn alumni who have been featured on various TV shows recently.

To start things off, after the jump, find out

  • which Penn alum was featured on the series finale of a very popular show which I happen to have been a fan of
  • video of his appearance
  • how he got the role
  • and what other show he appeared in as a "sketchy Hungarian"

If you were a fan of "24", you probably saw Adam Tsekhman (W'02, Teatron) playing the role of a Russian aide to the Russian president on the series finale.

How did Adam get the role on "24"?

Per Adam,
"I actually originally auditioned for another role and they wanted to cast me, but they realized I was too tall.  So a couple of weeks later they brought me back to read for this role. The other role was a bit heartier and I would have gotten my ass kicked by Jack Bauer. But, I guess I'm too tall for that..."
24 and Adam Tsekhman and UPenn
Adam on "24"

Besides this role, in April, Adam was one of the supporting leads on a movie for Lifetime Movie Network called "Deadly Honeymoon".  The show is about a couple who go on a cruise for their honeymoon and the groom disappears.   Adam tells me he plays "a sketchy Hungarian on the boat named Ben who is suspected of being involved in the incident!" (see second :54 in trailer below) 

...Speaking of sketchy roles, remember when Adam appeared as the "Scarface of Pot" on THIS short-lived ABC show?

More of Adam's roles HERE (and his website HERE)

More Penn alumni on TV stories HERE

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Posted by Matt | 2:21 PM | , , , , , | 0 comments »

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