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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

UPenn and Mask and Wig

Starting this Friday (3/5/10), the Mask and Wig Club will be traveling to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Long Island and Boston to present their 122nd annual production "A Cheshire Catastrophe".  I've been told it's like Alice in Wonderland meets The Wizard of Oz.

If you live in these cities (or are in Philly and haven't yet seen the show), check out more info about the show, an exclusive sneak peek video, plus tour dates and times after the jump.

In its 122nd Annual Production, “A Cheshire Catastrophe”, Mask and Wig takes you down the rabbit hole, over the rainbow, and across the universe in a suitably absurd return to its historic clubhouse.  At the opening we meet our protagonist Alex, a disillusioned college graduate who stumbles through a mysterious door at his graduation party and winds up a stranger in the bizarre fantasy world of Merryland (no, not Maryland). Initially only trying to find his way home, Alex becomes embroiled in a rebellion against the evil Lady Marmalade, who is hell bent on ordering and regulating the eccentric and fantastic world of Merryland. Will Alex ever find his way back home? Can Merryland be saved from the obsessive Lady Marmalade? Talking moles and Munchkaloompas and tap dancing, oh my! Break on through the looking glass and let Mask and Wig show you why there’s no place like home.

Here are the times, dates, and locations for Mask and Wig's Spring Tour 2010


San Francisco - March 5th - 8PM
Cowell Theatre
99 Marina Blvd
San Francisco, CA 91423

Los Angeles - March 6th - 5PM & 8PM
Beverly Hills High School
241 Moreno Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Port Washington, Long Island - March 12th - 8PM
Landmark on Main Street
232 Main Street
Port Washington, New York 11050

Boston, MA - March 13th - 8PM
Cambridge YMCA Theatre
820 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139

For more information, contact PJ Heyer and Shaun Alperin at


Posted by Matt | 10:17 AM | , , , , | 0 comments »

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