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Monday, August 24, 2009

UPenn LeftoversI've been running DT for 2+ years now and as much as I try to, sometimes I don't get around to posting everything that comes my way.

...This doesn't mean I delete the items I have, I just bank them for weeks like this one.  That said, after my weeklong "Penn Foodies" series, I thought it was fitting to run what I'm calling my first "Delicious Leftovers" series.

This week I will be serving up some of the fun posts and videos that slipped through the cracks over the past 2 years that I'm sure you'll all get a good smile out of.

Look out for posts this week which include:

  • some talented undergrads with good grips (you'll see what I'm talking about!)
  • A MUST-SEE: the remaining 10+ Q&A videos with our panel from Penn in Pictures 2008
  • random, very funny occurrences on Locust Walk (these never cease to amaze me!)
  • perspectives of Penn's campus you may not have seen before
  • an entertaining series of videos paying tribute to those who are a staple at Penn
  • plus lots more!
Be kept in the loop and sign up for the newsletter below or follow me on Twitter!

(In the meantime, check out my other DT series by looking down the right-hand column of this site)


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Posted by Matt | 10:45 AM | , | 0 comments »

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