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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

UPenn's Locust WalkFor decades now, if you want to get any sort of attention on Penn's campus, you're going to do something whacky on Locust Walk.

As you've seen here on DT, I've covered all sorts of posts related to Locust Walk including  
Now, I've got another video I've been holding onto which begs the question, "what the hell!?"  This videos is described as "Bleeding Wings: Performance with body extension in a public place".  It reminds me a bit of Kathy Change from my time at Penn.

The action starts at the 35 second mark. (and by "action", I mean "reaction" from everyone passing this woman)

Anyone have any more insight into what this was?

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Posted by Matt | 11:13 AM | , | 1 comments »

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  1. Anonymous // August 25, 2009 at 12:46 PM  

    I don't think there is any danger of self immolation in this case

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