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Friday, January 18, 2008

Last week I posted about "One Night Stand", the improv musical group that Jonah Platt (C'08, Off the Beat) started seven years ago.

With video camera in hand, I ventured down to see his show last Saturday night with Kiera Reilly (C'93) and we both had a fantastic time!

Jonah came out at the beginning of the show and asked the audience for a bunch of words which they then weaved into a FULL hour's musical performance! A full hour! With an accompanying pianist and an actual story arc! And all of this improv! They were making up songs and lyrics on the spot!

The words that were muttered from the audience from the show I saw included "Mental Hospital", "Geri Curls" and "Matzah Ball Soup". It was exciting sitting in the audience watching this talented troupe work together and weave an entertaining story on the fly before our very eyes. The story which resulted was about a woman admitted to a mental hospital and forced to take pills all day long.

Click here to watch their performance of "We All Take Pills"
(Jonah is the guy swinging his arms in the video)

The protagonist's one true love then gives up his transsexual(!) lover and goes after her. ...This resulted in a very funny scene in which Jonah and 2 fellow performers sang a cleverly improvised song comparing sexual preference to having both the lemonade and ice tea in an Arnold Palmer drink.

Click here to watch this funny "Arnold Palmer" scene

Check out the "One Night Stand" website

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