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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

UPennIt's no surprise that Penn alumni have taken over Hollywood and today it was announced that another Hollywood established alum, Mike Karz (C'89, W'89) continues this trend with the news that he just stuck a 2 year, first-look deal with Warner Brothers.

Per Variety, "Karz already has several projects in the works at the studio [Warner Brothers] and has just sold his first pitch under the pact. The project, called "Blended," is a comedy about families coping with remarriages. ...Under the pact, Karz Entertainment will be based on the lot in Burbank and produce features and direct-to-DVD projects for the studio."

Other projects Mike has in the works include:
Good Luck Chuck - (per Variety) In the film, "Dane Cook plays a serial dater who gets a reputation that any woman dating him will rebound into meeting her soulmate. When the man meets his true love, he must find a way to end the streak and keep her." Click here to view the trailer!

Honeymoon with Harry - (per IMDB) "A man's fiancé dies 2 days before their wedding leaving the lover devastated. Oddly, he then goes on the honeymoon with his fiancé's father who despises him to scatter the ashes."
Click here to check out some of Mike's and other alumni films
Congratulations, Mike!

Posted by Matt | 11:00 AM | , , , , | 0 comments »

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