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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cremo Cream and Kyle Schroeder

Over the past couple of weeks, we've been promoting our DT "retweet" contest where you could win entrepreneur Kyle Schroeder's (W'01) new Cremo moisturizer, shave cream and wash. (GQ loves them do I!)

After the jump find out who the winner of our contest is!

Congratulations to Ben Koch (C'02)!

You've won a gift basket of Kyle's

  • new Cremo moisturizer,
  • Cremo Shave Cream
  • Cremo Wash
  • and Fog Free shave mirror!

The Astonishingly Superior Cremo Cream Shave Cream

* Dramatically reduces cuts, nicks, scrapes and razor irritation.
* Gives you the closest, most comfortable. longest lasting shave.
* Leaves your skin astonishingly soft and smooth.

Try It Once to Believe it. Enjoy It For Life. It's Really That Good.

Most shave "creams" and "gels" are actually foam -- which is primarily air. Visualize a sharp blade scarping across your delicate skin with air as the main "lubricant." It tears your skin, creates little cuts and nicks that bleed, and leaves your skin looking and feeling rough.

Cremo has no air: It's an extremely rich cream (even more so than other similar/non-foam luxury shave creams). It contains unique, super-lubricating, highly-slippery molecules that have been compounded with powerful skin conditioners. Together, they make your blade glide smoothly over your skin astonishingly soft and smooth. I think you will find this is better than anything else you have ever used. Try it once to believe it. Enjoy it for life.

Cremo Moisturizer The Astonishly Super Face Moisturizer

Cremo Wash Superior Face Cleanser

UPenn and Kyle Schroeder and Cremo Cream and GQ


Posted by Matt | 7:35 AM | , | 0 comments »

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