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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Venice and Rome and UPenn and Venice Film Festival

Not sure if alumni know, but there is a Penn travel program for alumni and they go to some really cool places.  Next up is to Venice and Rome to see the Venice Film Festival (September 1 – 10, 2010) with Penn lecturer: Associate Director of Cinema Studies Nicola Gentili.

More about why you should consider going after the jump!

Per the Penn travel website,
"Enjoy a late summer sojourn in Italy as we explore Venice and Rome with a special focus on Italian film and a visit to the Venice Film Festival. Our home base in Rome for four nights will be the luxurious Ambasciatori Palace Hotel. Explore The Vatican, Sistine Chapel, Colosseum and take guided tours of Rome’s movie studios and film locations. Then transfer to Venice for four nights at the elegant Bauer Hotel on the Grand Canal. Our guided tour of Venice includes a trip to see Murano Island glass factories. A special highlight will be attending screenings at the Venice Film Festival. Associate Director of Cinema Studies Nicola Gentili, an Italian native, will tailor our discussions around the art of Italian film."
Kiera Reilly (C'93), director of alumni travel tells me that "this is a unique opportunity for an intimate group travel experience with Penn alumni and friends. Nicola Gentili, a native of Rome, brings Penn students to the Cannes Film Festival each summer. The Venice Film Festival offers an opportunity to share in the excitement of a film festival in a more relaxed setting, and with the insights of native Roman Nicola!"

More detail about the program HERE


Posted by Matt | 1:07 PM | , | 0 comments »

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