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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

(l to r: John Ferrari, 2013; Andrew Abranovic, 2010; Andrew McAleer, 2012; 
Dan Torrington, 2013; Dave Frankenfield, 2011; Nick Madian, 2011; Chris Wogan, 2011; Fan Zhou, 2010)

Valentine's Day and UPennAs part of my Valentine's Day Sampler Week, I have a treat for all of you.

Like I did last year, I've got a special dedication to all of my readers from a bunch of Penn's Glee Club members above (wait until the end of the video)!

Get the Penn Glee Club to serenade someone you know on campus.  Learn more after the jump!

Thinking of a special but affordable way to show that special someone you care on Valentine's Day? Don't mind embarrassing them in front of a lecture hall filled with their classmates?

The Penn Glee Club and the Penn chapter of Habitat for Humanity are proud to present Singing Valentines! For only $5, you can hire a part of the Glee Club to sing a song to your significant other in class or anywhere on campus. We also offer singing valentines over the phone; just give us a name and a number.

Like last year, the Glee Club will donate 100% of the proceeds to Penn's chapter of Habitat for Humanity!

Interested? There are two ways to sign up:
1. Visit and complete the information listed on the form. You will be prompted to pay online via PayPal.
2. Visit us on Locust Walk and give us all the information in person.

We will be on the Walk February 8th-12th and delivering singing valentines from February 11th-14th.

Have something more extravagant in mind? Shoot us an email at and we'll try our best to make it happen!

Questions? Special Requests? Give us a call at (215) 898-GLEE or 898-4533 OR send us an email at


Posted by Matt | 10:52 AM | , , | 0 comments »

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